Cornerstone Welcomes Melinda Merkley King

Cornerstone’s Session is excited to announce that Melinda King has accepted our offer to serve as CPC’s Bridge Interim Pastor.  Melinda has led many of our recent worship services and has known our congregation since before Fred was called to be our Pastor. With the blessing of the Presbytery’s Commission on Ministry, Melinda will work in our church office four days a week. If you need to contact Melinda please reach out to her through the church office.  Having filled our Bridge Interim role, the Session’s focus will turn to the next steps in our path to a new Senior Pastor.  We’ll share more updates in the coming weeks.

Rev. Melinda Merkley King is originally from Delaware, Melinda and is a graduate of James Madison University and Union Presbyterian Seminary.  She has served churches in central North Carolina as solo pastor, youth director, supply preacher, and, most recently, nearly eleven years as an associate pastor at the Kirk of Kildaire.  She and her husband Brian have two young adult sons. Oliver, a software engineer, lives in Atlanta, and Isaac, a student at NCSU. Melinda’s favorite things include good food, good books, good exercise, good music, and good times with family and friends.  Her favorite places include beaches, botanical gardens, thrift stores, and especially churches, where Christ’s body gathers together to pray, praise, learn, laugh, care and share.