Worship is at the center of who we are as followers of Jesus Christ. We offer two distinct styles of worship that both allow us to glorify God and draw closer to God. Holy Communion is offered at both services on the first Sunday of the month. All are invited. Come join us. You will find people dressed casually and others dressed more formally.
9:00 AM Traditional Worship Service
This service offers participants the opportunity to participate in a traditional Presbyterian order of worship that includes a biblically based message that is applicable to our lives, unison and responsive readings, an affirmation of faith, corporate and individual prayer. Musically, this service is accompanied by our grand piano and occasional other instruments. Video projection screens are used during this service. The Blue Presbyterian Hymnal is foundational in the hymns being sung, but some of the other great hymns are also used.
11:00 AM Blended Worship Service
This service offers participants a worship experience that includes a biblically based message that is applicable to our lives, praise songs, some of the great hymns of Christianity, prayer, and a time to greet one another in the name of the Lord. The musical style in this service has a strong jazz flavor to it. Our Praise Band, Praise Team, and Cornerstone Choir lead the music, all under the direction of our Music Director, Mr. Grant Osborne. Our Children’s Choir also participate in worship regularly.
Communion in the Presbyterian Church is open to all who profess in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. At Cornerstone, our primary method of serving Holy Communion is through intinction. During intinction, worshipers come forward down the center aisle, take a piece of bread, dip it in the cup, and then consume it. We ask that all who participate in Communion sanitize their hands using an anti-bacterial hand gel they will receive as they step into the aisle. We provide gluten free wafers during Communion.
Nursery Service
A fully-staffed nursery is available beginning at 8:45 am for the first worship service and continuing through the Sunday School time and the second worship service for infants to early walkers.