Cornerstone welcomes you to worship in our beautiful sanctuary each Sunday at 9:00a.m. and 11:00a.m. The 11:00a.m. worship service is also accessible via zoom.
The 11:00a.m. livestream bulletin can be found here.
Click here to join worship via zoom Meeting ID: 358 049 459 Password: 683011 If zoom doesn’t launch, copy and paste the link into your address window.
The gardening season is coming up fast. Please let us know if you are interested in a garden plot by signing up in the narthex by March 16.
Gardeners will be asked to commit to a First Fruits Garden Agreement including expectations for maintaining & weeding your plot, cleaning up at season end, and most importantly donating at least 10% of the harvest. Participants will also be asked to make a $25 donation to the church to cover garden expenses.
Cornerstone will open up any remaining plots to the local community. Please sign up only if you are committed to planting and maintaining a plot.
A First Fruits Garden Cleanup Day is planned for Saturday, March 8 from 9 a.m. to noon. Contact the office or Missions Elder, Brad Peterson with questions.
Join us for the first official meeting of the newly formed CPC Men’s Missions Group on Saturday, March 22, from 8-10a.m. at the church. The primary purpose of this group will be to participate in missions-related projects at least quarterly while also providing fellowship through regular monthly meetings. The meeting is open to all men ages 18 and up whether they are members of Cornerstone or not. Please invite your friends and co-workers if you think they would be interested in being a part of this group. Donuts, fruit, and coffee will be provided. Call the office for more info.
Interested in an adult Small Group? Our next sessions are April 9 and May 21 from 6:00 to 7:15. Please come and join us in fellowship in the atrium. For the April 9th meeting bring your meal for the May 21st gathering, dinner will be provided. Please contact the office if you have questions.
Easter Egg Fillings – Our annual Egg Hunt is coming up! Last year we were able to serve dozens of new families from the surrounding community, thanks entirely to your donations! We are looking for individually sealed egg fillers such as toys, candies, chocolates, etc. We just ask that there be no nuts. Donations can be placed in the Egg Hunt box in the Narthex.
Easter Egg Hunt – Our annual egg hunt will be April 19th at 11 am! If you would like to volunteer, please email Chelsea at
Please join us Saturday, April 5 from 9:00-noon for a church grounds workday. We’ll be weeding and mulching, helping our grounds look beautiful for Easter! Bring work gloves, rakes, and shovels. Wheelbarrows welcome! We will be putting down cardboard under the mulch. Please bring in flattened cardboard for our garden beds. Rain date is April 12. Please sign up in the narthex.
God of creation, we lift to you all who were gravely impacted by the fires and hurricanes. Help those who are struggling and bless rescue and relief efforts. Give strength, courage, and hope for this day and the days to come. May our gifts of money, blood, goods, and, in days to come, our time and energy, help to restore the communities that have been devastated. Amen.
Click here for a list of ways to donate and help flood victims in Western North Carolina after Hurricane Helene
Ladies Morning Stars Bible Study Join us the 2nd & 4th Friday of each month beginning at 9:45am. All women are welcome to join any time. The book we’ll be studying is Experiencing the Words of Jesus by Max Lucado.
Come make joyful noise! Choir practice is held Wednesday evenings at 7:15. If you would like to join, contact our Music Director, Grant at
There are lots of opportunities to get more involved here at Cornerstone!
The All You Need is Love ESL Mission: Cornerstone hosts ESL classes for women with great success. If you can commit to volunteer a few hours on Wednesday mornings, please contact Donna at to see how you can help!
Sunday morning help: We are in need of Lay Leaders, Greeters, Offering Collectors, Coffee Makers, and Refreshment Coordinators on Sunday mornings. Please contact the office for more info.
Handymen and Women: The Building and Grounds committee could use more help. If you can caulk, replace a lightbulb, paint trim, or scrub algae off the fountains please contact the church office.
Cornerstone Choir: Come make joyful noise! Choir practice is held Wednesday evenings at 7:15. If you would like to join contact our Music Director, Grant at