Cornerstone Classics
Cornerstone Classics is a fellowship group for those of us 50 and over. This fun group of folks meets regularly. We gather for special events and activities like concerts.

Men’s Group
First Saturday of the month. Enjoy good food and fellowship, meet at IHOP in Apex. Contact the church office for details.
Men’s Bible Study
Join us Thursday mornings at 7:30 via zoom. Whether you have been studying the Bible for years or you have never been to a Bible study, this one is for you. Contact the church office for details.
Women’s Morning Stars Circle
Second and fourth Friday of every month – 9:45 a.m. at the church. Contact Gretchen Best, Marcia Marvin, or the church office for details.

Stitch Together
Stitch Together meets the first, third, and fifth Fridays of each month from 9:30 – 11:00 a.m. Come join some company as we knit and crochet items for Wake Med. Beginners are always welcome.