Cornerstone Youth Ministry in Cary, NC is a vibrant and active ministry for youth 6th to 12th grade and beyond. We have several ways to engage throughout the week including an active youth group, a confirmation class, and regular events and activities for connecting and growing. We care deeply about our students mental, physical, and spiritual health, and create a safe environment for all so that we can grow in our relationship with Christ together.
How to Get Involved
Cornerstone Youth meets almost every Sunday, and we host many fun events throughout the year. Youth can show up for any list event or feel free to reach out to Brandi Kirkland, Director of Youth Ministry, with an questions!
Times and Locations:
Youth Group- 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM on Sundays (Youth Room)
• All Youth 6th Grade and Above
First Sunday Donuts- 10:00 AM Every First Sunday of the Month (Youth Room)
• All Youth 6th Grade and Above
Periodic Events Throughout the Year
• Please sign up for our church newsletter or email us directly to learn more!
All youth, whether member or first time visitor, are welcomed to attend any of our youth programs without any notice or pre-registration. If visiting for the first time, enter through the glass atrium doors and take the hallway on the right down to the youth room, the second to last door on the left, for youth group, Sunday school, and First Sunday Donuts. All youth attend regular service with their parents at 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM. Please email Brandi Kirkland for more information.
Our Mission
Our mission at Cornerstone, and in Cornerstone Youth, is to reflect Christ, grow together, and bring God joy. It is our goal, through the help of the Holy Spirit, to create an atmosphere where our students can experience real community and build a relationship with the God who loves them deeply.
We seek to provide opportunities for youth to connect with Christ, to serve their neighbors, to build real and lasting connections with each other, and to take leadership roles, both in the youth program and the greater church community.
Our Youth are also regularly involved in Sunday morning worship, Sunday School, and Confirmation. The Youth are highly active in the community through local service and our summer missions trip. They also love doing fun things, such as corn mazes, ski trips, lock-ins, and retreats. Please be sure to sign up for our mailing list so that you can get the most recent information available.