Ministry Opportunities!

There are lots of opportunities to get more involved here at Cornerstone!

The All You Need is Love ESL Mission: Cornerstone hosts ESL classes for women with great success. If you can commit to volunteer a few hours on Wednesday mornings, please contact Donna at to see how you can help!

Sunday morning help:  We are in need of Lay Leaders, Greeters, Offering Collectors, Coffee Makers, and Refreshment Coordinators on Sunday mornings.  Please contact the office for more info.

Handymen and Women: The Building and Grounds committee could use more help. If you can caulk, replace a lightbulb, paint trim, or scrub algae off the fountains please contact the church office.

Cornerstone Choir: Come make joyful noise! Choir practice is held Wednesday evenings at 7:15. If you would like to join contact our Music Director, Grant at

Men’s Bible Study goes Zoom!

Join the guys Thursday mornings at 7:30a.m. via zoom for Men’s Bible Study.  We’ll meet for an hour of Bible study, fellowship, and prayer.  Whether you have been studying the Bible for years or you have never been to a Bible study, this one is for you.  To join the meeting, click this link:

Meeting ID: 675 408 802   Password: 747947


Recently members of our congregation received a text message claiming to be from Rev. Melinda and asking urgently for gift cards. The text is not from Melinda.

Please know that as a policy, Cornerstone will never email or text for urgent funds or gifts (including gift cards). 

If you receive any suspicious e-mails, calls, or texts from Cornerstone staff, leadership, or volunteers – please report it as junk, block the sender, and contact the church office at 919-303-9200. 

Please help fill the Little Red Wagon! 

Cornerstone regularly drops off food at the Western Wake Crisis Ministry.  The little red wagon used for donations, sits in the atrium.  WWCM has requested jelly, cereal, body soap, laundry detergent, dish soap, and paper goods (paper towels, Kleenex, and toilet paper). Your donations make a big impact!  Last year, WWCM helped over 5,300 neighbors with food and financial assistance, distributing over 425,000 lbs of food and keeping 1, 669 families securely housed.  Bravo!

Stewardship 2025

Thank you to all who have already submitted your pledge cards for the coming year.  If you have not, please prayerfully discern what you are able to give.  Remember, this is a good-faith estimate.  You may not be able to meet your pledge or perhaps you’ll surpass it.  Who knows what 2024 will hold!  But, your pledge allows Session to better budget for the coming year.  Can we increase mission gifts?  Can we offer raises?  Can we subsidize a youth summer trip?  Remember, God loves a cheerful giver!

Stitch Together

Stitch together meets the first, third, and fifth Fridays of each month from 10:00 – 11:30 a.m.  Come join us as we knit & crochet items for Wake Med. Contact the church office.

4 Tips for Returning to Church

4 Tips for Returning to Church

No matter who you are, there may have come a time when you stopped going to church. Perhaps you lost your faith, or maybe you were one of many teenagers who struggled to get up on Sunday morning. Remember that a church’s doors are always open, and when you feel it’s time to return, we look forward to you joining us.

The idea of returning to church after several years can seem daunting. You may feel embarrassed or unsure of yourself. This is all completely normal, which is why we’ve come up with these tips to make it easier for you to return to church:

Find the right church for you

Perhaps the most important thing to remember when returning to church is to find a congregation that you feel comfortable in. Just because you went to a particular church when you were a child doesn’t mean that you have to go to that same church as an adult. Look at some websites and ask yourself what you hope to find. Are you looking for something more formal or informal? Do you want to have a large church where you can blend in, or would you prefer a smaller church with a close community? Asking yourself these questions will help you narrow down on your choices.

Go with a friend or family member

Go to a church service with a friend or family member. It will make you feel more comfortable. Attending a new church all alone after many years is a challenging experience. Having a friend by your side will put you more at ease.

Prepare ahead of time

Even if you are returning to the same church that you went to as a child, it’s best not to go in blind. Churches change over the years, and you may not know what’s custom and what’s not. If you’re going with a friend who is already a member of the congregation, ask them a few days in advance what you should wear. Then, take a look at their website to get a better feel for what the congregation and services are like.

Start slow

Start slow and do only what you feel comfortable doing. If that means only going to church once a month, then only go once a month. Your church will always be there for you, and as you get more comfortable, you’ll be encouraged to participate more.

Returning to church after time away can be difficult, but it doesn’t have to be. At Cornerstone Presbyterian Church, we welcome everybody who has been away from the church, no matter how long. To learn more about us, give us a call at 919-303-9200 or contact us on our website today. 

Cornerstone Does Habitat!

Habitat for Humanity, Cornerstone is excited to be a part of the Presbyterian Build to construct houses in Cary. Volunteers must be at least 16 years old.  Please contact the church office or Cornerstone’s Mission team to learn more!