There are lots of opportunities to get more involved here at Cornerstone!
The All You Need is Love ESL Mission: In 2024, Cornerstone launched ESL classes for women with great success. If you can commit to volunteer a few hours on Wednesday mornings, please contact Donna at to see how you can help!
Sunday morning help: We are in need of Lay Leaders, Greeters, Offering Collectors, Coffee Makers, and Refreshment Coordinators on Sunday mornings. Please contact the office for more info or sign up here. (You must create a SignUp Genius Account to sign up)
Handymen and Women: The Building and Grounds committee could use more help. If you can caulk, replace a lightbulb, paint trim, or scrub algae off the fountains please contact the church office.
Cornerstone Choir: Come make joyful noise! Choir practice has resumed on Wednesday evenings at 7:15. If you would like to join contact our Music Director, Grant at